What is the Verified title?
In POPULATION: ONE, the Verified title is a way for our content creators and streamers to identify themselves in-game and show off their flair! The current requirements for Verification in-game are:
- 1,000 followers on main POP1 social account
- 10,000 total views across your channel
- Post consistent original POPULATION: ONE related content
- Content does not break the POP:1 code of conduct.
How do I become Verified?
To become verified, please fill out the application form HERE!
You may ask to have your verified title removed at any time.
Enter the required information, and Submit the form at the bottom.
- No sexually explicit actions or comments.
- No sexist, racist, or discriminatory behavior or language.
- No harassing, bullying, or threatening others.
- No hacking or cheating
- No unsportsmanlike conduct or trolling.
- No promoting real-world violence or illegal activity.
- No impersonating or defamation of other players, BigBox employees, or others
- No exposing personal player information.
BigBox VR Privacy Policy: https://www.bigboxvr.com/privacy-policy.html
Once your request has been submitted, you're on your way! We'll review your account, and if everything checks out we'll grant you the Verified title!
Appeals/Re-applications: Those who qualify will be reached out to and advised their application has been accepted. Due to volume of requests those that do not meet Verified requirements will not be contacted.
If you feel you meet the requirements and over 72 business hours (8am-5pm PT M-F) have passed since your application you can apply again noting this and/or submit a support desk ticket here: https://support.bigboxvr.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
You are welcome to Re-apply up to twice a month.
REMINDER: The "Verified" Title is a privilege, not a right. If you act against the Code of Conduct, your "Verified" title will be taken away.